2. Spandana Sri Gavisiddeshwar Counselling Centre :

Vision :

The vision of the Spandana - Sri Gavisiddeshwar Counseling Centre (SGCC) is to advance the educational mission of the college by fostering the personal, career, and educational development of students in order to promote their success and persistence in the college community.

Mission :

The mission of Spandana: Sri Gavisiddeshwar Counselling center(SGCC) Services is to provide a professional and confidential setting for the psychological, emotional, and developmental support of students as they pursue academic goals and explore personal growth, and act as a resource for faculty and staff to assist with their interactions with students. When this mission is fulfilled, the quality of students’ experience at Sri Gavisiddeshwar College is enhanced, and they are more likely to achieve academic and personal success.

Goals derived from Counseling Services’ Mission Statement :

  • Promote the psychological and emotional wellbeing of students.
  • Enhance students’ academic and personal functioning.
  • Counseling Services is not a treatment center. Please consult the Scope of Practice in the Addenda for a full explanation of the limits of service.


Chairperson : Dr. Channabasava .A, Principal
Chief Counsellor : Mr. Sharanabasappa Biliyali
Cousellors : 1. Mr. Praveen Hadimani
: 2. Dr. Karibasaveshwara .B
: 3. Dr. Sheshikanth Ummapure

Duties :

  • Assisting students(advisees) to identify their academic values and goals, consistent with their capabilities, interests, and educational backgrounds.

  • Clarifying pertinent information and discussing the implications toward students’ academic success.

  • Being accessible and available to students to respond to their questions and concerns.

  • Clarifying academic policies, College & University regulations, program requirements, procedures, promotion credit requirements and other college information.

  • Maintaining professional integrity, confidentiality, respect, and sensitivity in advising.

  • Helping students to define and develop educational plans; assisting in the selection of appropriate course work and opportunities to achieve students’ goals.

  • Respecting students’ individual needs and diversity.

  • Assisting students to independently monitor their progress toward achieving their educational and career goals.

  • Informing students of the roles and responsibilities of the advisor/student relationship.

  • Constituting the Steering Committee to prepare the NAAC Report.

Reports :


Intensive Training on Counselling Skill for the Faculty Members - 7th November 2018 to 12th November 2018